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   Making A Difference

URI S.M.I.L.E Program

A pre-college science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) academic after-school program for underrepresented students in grades 4th-12th and now on college level.

Collegiate SMILE (Science & Math Investigative Learning Experiences) is an inclusive organization dedicated to furthering the SMILE program experience for current SMILE members grades 4 through 12, teachers, SMILE alumni alike.  Through this organization, Collegiate SMILE strives to offer all members and the URI community with career and networking opportunities, community service experience, leadership skills, and personal growth.

Feel free to help sponsor our program by just donating what you can. Anything is gladly appreciated. The more the merrier. 

Want to become part of S.M.I.L.E? You can join our program and help make student's success a reality. 


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